Let's put in contrast our conceptions on what is Linguistc and Communicative Competence.
After the class discussion and the reading of the statements of Habermas and Taylor, answer these questions:
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
Do you think that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Habermas-Towards a Theory of Communicative Competence
Taylor-The Meaning and Use of the Term Competence by smartkelly
REMEMBER: Your participation must be based upon your critical opinion of the materials read and the class discussion. Keep in mind your teacher does not allow any copy and paste ;) :D
1.The concept of Linguistics competence is broad; linguists define it as how to speak a language, but as well as it refers too, to all the systems that work unconsciously together in our mind to speak a language, linguists calls it Knowledge it means, rules, structures, patterns, order, and words functions that we follow to speak. Linguistics competence is all grammar we have about a language L1 either L2. Chomsky says language is a basically a reflection of the individual mind, so Linguistics competence is actually a reflection of knowledge in a language. Talking about L1 it means our mother tongue, Linguistics competence comes to us and we acquire it unconsciously, that’s why speakers don’t recognize their Linguistics competence until they learn L2 and they realize of it. As well, how they produce information, and which systems they are using to.Pointing this out, Linguists says Linguistics competence is a broad concept. So now how speakers communicate each other? How they behave in a society by using language? To answer these questions first we need to know what linguists calls communicative competence.
ResponderEliminarThis concept may be defined as another system that speakers have to communicate, it concerns with how speakers communicate by using Linguistics competence, as well as it refers to how people use language in a society. Linguistics competence is the ability that every single person has to produce information in an appropriate and correct way by using their performing. Speakers communicate each other’s in different contexts, so the people’s Linguistics competence acts in those different contexts even when they don’t know they are using it in, it means, which words they using to express something, how they express something and what if they’re expressing people understand, even though speakers don’t know this concept or this system is about, they are using it in daily and an every single context as said before.
2. Teaching L2 makes emphasize in two things, structure of L2 and use of L2. People cannot put on practice L2 without putting beside structure (Linguistic competence) in L2 it means, make students practice their communicative competence without make them realize of their mistakes in their linguistic competence, that’s would be wrong. One thing leads to another, what I mean is that a good linguistic competence leads to a good communicative competence. Being a teacher I’d prefer apply both of them, because our output is a reflection of our input. Students need to be able to recognize their mistakes in output by using their linguistic competence in performing, all of those systems must be at the same level, in order to students develop their linguistic competence and their communicative competence at the same time. In NCLRC's (Web site for college and university language instructors) take this in mind:
“The desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does.”
Here’s something interesting, “Ability to communicate competently” what this mean is to make students be able to speak based on their linguistic competence in order they can speak L2 in practicing, it would produce on them the ability to practice L2 while they're getting better their linguistic competence by checking it speaking.
3.I’ll say both, as future teachers we must take in mind we will teach, it means, we will teach structure, rules, patterns, and words functions in order our students create sentences. As I said before, both systems are important so, FL classes must be focused on both systems, to develop in our students their linguistic competence and their communicative competence at the same time. Why should we be focused on linguistic competence in our students? Because of it will produce in the students the ability to create correct and meaningful sentences, and why should we be focused on communicative competence in our students? Because due to it our students will speak in different contexts, it means, if they don’t develop their communicative competence, they will never speak in a society L2 because of bad linguistics competence and scare of mistakes.
It implies the capacity of producing and understanding communication in a context in the teaching of foreign language, this include the ability to create and understand sentences and the person have a complete knowledge of the whole language
Constitutes knowledge of language, is the knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language. Relates to the abstract system of linguistic rules and also the way the language system is used in communication.
I think, the communicative competences, because it refers to a language grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately
I think that FL can improve with linguistics competence, because constitutes knowledge of language and use the grammar rule that govern the combination of sounds, reading, writing and sentences
leonardo hernandez
1- Communicative competence refers to a learner’s ability to use language to communicative sucessfully. Is the grammatical competence (knowledge and rules of language). Also, communicative competence it emphasizes grammatical knowledge of a person as well as social knowledge about how and when to use expressions properly.
ResponderEliminarLinguistic competence is the system of rules that governs an individual’s tacit understanding of what is acceptable and what is not in the language they speak. On the other hand, it is said that linguistic competence are the linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language because this describe how language is defined whithin a community of speakers.
2- I think that communicative competence which must be applied to the practice of language teaching because it is refers to the knowledge of the person and their right way to express under the rules of a language and that is why I consider that for the language teaching is the best.
3- I think that both because despite the linguistic competence it is said that are the knowledge possessed by native speakers basically both are responsible of the mastering the combination of sounds, syntax, semantics and others known as the grammar of a language.
Maria Fernanda Nava.
1. What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarThe term communicative competence it´s the ability to use language appropriately. It refers to the ability to produce, communicate and understand our communication favorably; taking into account the context. Communicative competence helps us to understand the mistakes that because the context or situations influences the development of communication.
I think that linguistic competences are the rules or norms that are already established previously. Linguistic competence can be defined as the previous knowledge which works in subsconsiente way (talking, reading, writing, and listening) which are governed by different branches of linguistics phonology, semantics, syntax, morphology among others.
2. Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
For me, the concept that best applies is linguistic competencebecause is in charge of system of rules and the combination of the branches of linguistics. Due to for language teaching it is necessary to take into account students who have ability grammar, syntax, and semantics among others
3. Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Both linguistic and communicative competence should emphasize FL classes and that students should develop both competences for its formation is favorable and in turn can produce effective communication. I think both competences must go hand in hand to build in learner foreign language has significant language.
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ResponderEliminar1.What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
EliminarCommunicative competence is about words and rules and also about the appropriate way in which speakers speak in a social context using the knowledge they have and the new things that they are acquiring. In communicative competence, you are being able to use and understand the language but using consciously the knowledge we acquire to communicate with other people (grammar, syntax, etc); and of course it is not only about speak in social context, it deals with the behavior speakers have in different situations.
Linguistic competence is the knowledge you have about the language, but that grammar knowledge is unconscious (tacit). We use language but it does not mean that we are being conscious about the rules and structures in order to connect sounds, words, sentences. It lets us speak and understand the language.
2.Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think if, as teachers, we apply communicative competence in the classrooms, would be better because when you are acquiring a second language at the beginning you must need vocabulary, structures and know the grammar of the language to communicate. And you can teach them how the language deals in different situations (and not just the literal meaning) and how to connect the ideas to develop a fluency in that language.
3.Do you think that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Of course they should. First, because in order to understand a second language and be really good teachers we must know all about that language. How can we be teachers if anyone is not teaching us the rules, concepts and how to communicate with the new language? Those are important steps, and every time we have success in each step, we have to acquire new things that can help us when we will teach.
According to our Educative Venezuelan System when the students finish the obligatory basic education, they are capable to do some activities if they want a job and do not continue with the university, I mean, when those people graduate from the school they have the knowledge that makes them be prepared to find a job if that is what they want; and not only that, let’s imagine that some students wants to study FLT and when they are on the first semester they have a teacher who only speaks English in class but when they studied their teachers did not teach them those things or never realize the importance of acquire a second language. So, in this case they will need both, their linguistic competence to understand and speak if necessary and, their communicative competence to communicate with others and to know how that language works and how it deals in different contexts. That’s why it is important to teach using the linguistic and the communicative competence, if we want a good students and good professionals, we have to be good teachers too.
Rodríguez P. Jeannilet Paolet.
1 * linguistic Competence:
ResponderEliminarlinguistic competence proposed by Chomsky refers to the innate capacity of human beings acquire language and how this is able to formulate sentences and phrases even without knowing the grammatical rules governing language.
* Communicative competence:
At this point, referred to the deeper study of the acquired language, studying grammatical rules and the use of the language in a community of speakers from the pragmatic point of view.
2._I Consider that it is necessary that both theories are applied at the same time, since the teacher can design teaching strategies where strengthening the knowledge of students, to grammar and rules on how these go knowing influence in different ways in a community of speakers.
3._ Do you think that foreign language classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
It is a theory that allows us as a study of language acquisition and as reinforcing the knowledge already have a second language.
1.What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarCommunicative competence can be defined as the ability to use language accurately and appropriately, using our grammatical knowledge (syntax, morphology, phonology and the like), to communicate in a social environment. So, this ability to communicate required four different component: the first one is grammatical competence, which involves the accurate use of words and structure (when we create grammatically correct utterances); the second one is sociolinguistic competence, which is knowing how to use to language appropriately according to the social context; the third one is discourse competence, that is the ability to produce coherent and cohesive utterances; and finally, strategic competence that is the ability to organized a message effectively, via strategies, for any difficulties.
Linguistic competence is the set of unconscious knowledge about language possessed by speakers, I mean, it is when we understand and produce language but we are not aware of grammatical rules, so people are not concentrated in the form of their utterances.
2.Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think communicative competence, because when we teach a second language, it is necessary to know about grammatical rules ( how sentences can be structured, the accurate use of words and structure, etc) to have a better and appropriate communication. So when we are in the teaching process we have to make ourselves understood in any way, for this reason, we must make use of strategies to bring the contents to students efficiently, and so learners no only are able to produce spontaneous speech, but also they are able to check what is being spoken.
3.Do you think that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Ithink both, because as future teacher I need to explain both sides to the learners. I know what involves the linguistic and communicative competence but further we need to know how to look for ways to develop the four skills in the learners. With both competence I think that we can create our own method and try to figure out what are the best to succeed in the classroom, and also encourage the learners to find opportunities to practice what they learn in class out of the classroom because that is the way to learn a language.
Marlis Rodríguez
1. communicative competence is the capacity that we have to produce language and mostly understanding, this used by speakers through communication in a social context way.
ResponderEliminarlinguistic competence is the previous knowledge that we have about rules, forms and branches of a language.in an unconcious way.
2. I think that both can applies because one teach you rules and forms of a language to order and understand it, the other teacg how to get an easy communication just producing language but always taking in count he context
where you are.
3.Both should be emphasize because as FL students we should know the rules and forms of the language studied, if we are going to be teachers we should know how to teach to our future students our knowledge, not just only structures of the language, is how to communicate with others to be understanding in a context too.
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ResponderEliminar1.- Communicative competence: It is the capacity and ability that we have to communicate and understand a language. A term in linguistics which refers to a language user's grammatical knowledge.
EliminarLinguistic Competence: Chomsky’s theories sparked debate among linguists and have continued to influence debate around the acquisition and use of language. Some linguistic theorists see linguistic competence as a learned behavior so I think that is a internalized knowledge of the rules or structure of a language.
2.- Communicative competence applies better to the practice of language teaching because when you learn a new language first you have to know structures and know the grammar of the language for a better communication.
3.- Both linguistic and communicative competence should emphasize for students who are in the process of acquiring a second language so they can have plenty of practice for his formation as a teacher or learner of a new language.
Nalyan Mora.
1. We refer to communicative competence when we have the ability to use language correctly and appropriately to achieve communicate with others. Now when we talk about linguistic competence it has to do with the established rules of a language. And the way to learn how to use grammar, syntax; that is, the proper use of words in a sentence and the correct order.
ResponderEliminar2. I like the concept of communicative competence for teaching a language that touches the social aspect how you are going to express yourself on a specific topic or a particular situation, showing real situations of everyday life. Although I also think it is important that linguistic competence is necessary to know and dominate grammar of a language to identify any errors. In my opinion the two concepts would use to good teaching occurs since both are necessary.
3. The two processes are necessary because for the emergence of a teaching process is complete should work with both. Linguistic competence to clarify regarding grammar and communicative competence for the practice of spoken language.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, this term refers to the ability all individuals have to communicate effectively, not only understanding but also producing utterances, taking into account either the interaction with society, because that is the only way to improve our competence, or grammar rules which means no just producing well-formed sentences, but to use these rules in the correct moment.
However, Linguistic competence refers to the knowledge of grammar rules that each individual already have, these rules allow us to avoid confusion in the message that we consistently produce when we are talking, and also enable us to create unlimited number of sentences, phrases, words and so on.
I think that the concept of communicative competence applies better in the practice of language teaching, because the idea of this, it is create strategies to increase student’s communicative competence, in order to improve their performance and enable them to feel confident in the language learning environment, that is to say, maximizing opportunities for communication, although in the case of second language learning, linguistic competence can helps us to be clearly understood and correct mistakes if it is required, but minimizing the idea of use the language exactly as a native speaker does.
I think both are important, because they are related, so first we have linguistic competence which helps us to understand the complexity of foreign language and to organize our ideas in our mind in order to communicate effectively. In the other hand, we have communicative competence which gives us the opportunity to know whether or not use the correct words in an effective way and in the correct moment using our linguistic competence. So if the student improves his linguistic competence then his communicative competence will be much better when the student's performance takes place. At the same time if the student improves his communicative competence within classroom, then learning will become more meaningful to him. As I said before, not only maximizing opportunities for communication but minimizing the idea of use the language exactly as a native speaker does. As future teachers we have to encourage the students to find the opportunity to study the foreign language out of the classroom by listening music, watching movie, reading books, because is the best option to improve their performance.
Keila Medina (S-2)
ResponderEliminarMy idea of communicative competence is about the knowledge and domain that people have in order to understand and express through a language to realize communication goals. The communication is a social act, therefore, communicative competence includes the knowledge of how or what to say, according to where, to whom and when to say.
On the other hand, linguistic competence is to know how to use grammar and vocabulary in order to use correctly a language. Linguistic competence includes phonetic knowledge, syntactic knowledge, semantic knowledge, and morphological knowledge.
From my point of view, the concept that applies better to the practice of language teaching is the communicative competence because while we just study rules of a language (linguistic competence), at the time to speak, we have in mind rules, and sometimes it can be confused with the language we already know, and this difficulty complicates the communicative competence. I think the goal of know a language is it can be useful to communicate; therefore, teachers must to teach a language basing to the communicative aspect not to the grammar aspect.
The ideal is that both competences can be developed by students. Teachers must to develop the communicative competence of the students taking account the linguistic competence because it is part of this teaching process.
The students must to know and have the control all the aspects that rule a language both linguistic as communicative. To know the language in all the senses, (culture, forms, structure, and so on).That's why the FL classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic and communicative competence in order to the students can be able to express through a language in a clear and effectively way.
In my opinion when we refers to comunicative compentece is how to use the language and how you can produce the language correctly, beside is the way you can understand the language and is about our knowledge to the language.
ResponderEliminarWhen we refers to linguistic compentence is about our knowlegde about the language, i means, grammas rules (sytax rules, semantics rules, phonectics rules...) and if we can use thoses rules correctly.
2._ I think the concept that applies better to the practice of language teaching is the communicative competence because the students can comunicative with all people and they can understand better. Of course linguistic compentece are important too, but like a teacher i prefer to teach comunicative compentece.
3._ Both process are important, because the students need to know how communicate, but also the students need to know the language rules. But i think the FL classes should emphasize the improvement communicative competence, because when they know how to comunicate, they can learns the grammas rules.
1:What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarCommunicative competence is that a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community. It the ability to function in a truly communicative setting.
Linguistic competence refers to a person's subconscious knowledge of the rules governing speech in their first language and Learning to monitor and exchange linguistic information for communication, participation and learning curricular content. Systematic instruction is required to build the skills needed to understand and use language including the language code of various systems. We provide instruction that supports students in learning how to use to represent meaning and to combine words & phrases, often across modalities, to express more complex ideas for both spoken and written communication.
2: . Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think the best is the Linguistic competence because we both students as future teachers should have the knowledge of the linguistic rules of a context is very important to note that the English linguistic rules are very important when communicating because other people outside our social context will not be able to understand when communicating, and in English it is based to read write and speak the language
3.Do you think that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Sure, because we as future teachers must be aware of these to provide a good education, our students and us as learners of a second language may communicate in different social contexts
1. What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence? Communicative competence is the general ability to use language accurately, appropriately and flexible. on the other hand the communicative can cope with any subject whatever, and it does not matter how dar away the topic of conversation is in time and space and linguistic competence refers to structure of speech and writing an person’s knowledge of his language the system of rules which he has mastered so that he is able to produce and understand and indefinite number of sentence and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities.
ResponderEliminar2. I think that both concept is important to applies for the practice of language teaching because the knowledge of language is refers to identifying individual sounds correctly, knowing the combinations of sounds, the formation and division of words also using language in communicative context in this case is important applies the communicative and linguistic competence for a better learner.
3. I think that it can emphasize un FL because the human language is culturally transmitted by general ability, skill and grammatical rules in other words, the improvement of linguistic or communicative competence is important in FL classes being that a human being brought up un insolation doesn't acquire language un this case English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom has long been an effective way to involve students actively ln communicative interactions and increase their talking time.
1. What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, linguistic competence refers to how the people internalize knowledge of the rules of their language; this includes the distinct sounds used in the language, the combination of these sounds, the creation of sentences and interpretation of that sentence. The people can use this grammar to produce new phrases that will be understood by all speakers of the same language.
On the other hand, communicative competence its refers to how the people use the knowledge of the rules in a social context to communicate functionally and interactively.
2. Which concept do you think that applies better to the practice of the language teaching?
I think that communicative competence applies better to the practice of the language teaching because is a functionally and intectively way to communicate in a real situation.
3. Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
Both method are important because, you can’t teach a second language without knowledge of the rules of their language, you need to improve knowledge and how use the grammar in a social content to communicate in a better way.
Yohilma Bellorin (S2)
1) What’s your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarI can say that communicative competence is the ability to use language in a correctly and appropriately. Because is the speaker who must has a disposal in his linguistic competence that permit him to have a symbolic interaction. In this competence the speaker has knowledge about syntax, Morphology, and phonology. In a few a words communicative competence is “How” and “When” the speaker uses his grammatical knowledge to communicate. O the other hand understands the social experiences, needs and motivations.
In this communication process the speaker is really influenced for the social facts that can help to make corrections and recognize his mistake if it is necessary.
Linguistic Competence: is defined like a set of innate abilities that the speaker-listener uses at the moment to communicate. And these result unaffected for grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors. These abilities are present in their heads because they have internalized the grammatical rules and also they know the language that they use to communicate. Linguistic competence is a great system where is involved the sounds, words, and structure of sentence. On the other hand, I can say that this competence is the knowledge of a language, but this knowledge is tacit and implicit too. All this information clearly wants to say that don’t have conscious access to the principal rules that govern. In this competence the speaker to produce and understand an
Infinite set of sentences, when this applied the language.
2) Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think that both concepts have aspects really good, that offers us the opportunity to have an appropriate language teaching. I will use communicative competence because in my opinion this competence offer us four important components, that in a complete way can help us to understand, write or speak another language affectively . These components are: Grammatical, strategic, sociolinguistic, and discursive.
3) Do you think that Fl Classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic or Communicative competence?
I’m completely sure that FL classes should emphasize in the improvement and develop of these competences, because they’re two important parts in the formations of the students. Both competences will help to get the level of knowledge that the students want to have in their academic formation. And if the student know perfectly these competences can make to use of the language without any problem. Is Important to add that a student of a foreign language should be motivated at the moment to learn because in this way the learning process could be more effective.
1. the competence is the most important part of the linguistic competence because when we talk about it we are refering to the knowlege that we have in our mind about grammatical rules a litle and simple example about competence is: when we learn a lenguage in the same time we learn grammatical rules and they are part of our knowlege, also the knowlege that we aquire in a unconcious process form part of it. we can apply it in the communications act ( performance, application of knowlege). on the other hand the comunicative competence is the use of language in real situations ( context social), where we should have a good and correctly use of it to can be understood.
ResponderEliminar2. Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching? I think that both are very important to the practice of language teaching because we need the concious knowlege and the unconcious knowlege to learn and teach it. knowlege and rules of a languange have the same to value to have a better aquisition of a language.
3. Do you think that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
yes, of course because how can you learn if you don't know the rules of a lenguage? of course you cannot understand nothing. for that is necesary that FL classes should empasize the improvement of Linguistic and Communicative competence and so the student can understand better and can figure out to put it in practice in a real situation with a better and perfect comunication.
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarI think, that communicative and linguistic competence is as a combination of knowledge and skill because, is the understanding and development with the world the which show through interact normally with our environment in the which is putting for practice that goes from cognitive effect to the social effect how the say white 1959 who uses it to refer to an organism’s capacity to interact effectively with its environment and wieman and backiund 1980 they say it is as a combination of knowledge and skill
Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching¡?
Well I think, the linguistic competence because, it is refer primarily concerned with an ideal speaker listener in a completely communication so, it teaches the rules that are important the which is necessary for the students the ability grammar and the ability social
Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
I thank, the both linguistic and communicative competence should be a great helps for fl classes because, these two combinations will give the students to develop the grammar rule and knowledge, it will be able to use to utterances appropriately
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
EliminarI think that the communicative competence is the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish communication goals. The desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does. And the linguistics competence is knowing how to use the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of a language.
Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
From my point of view it is better to apply communicative competence in language teaching because the students can communicate with all people and they can understand better. As future teachers we have to acknowledge what involves the communicative competence and then look for ways to develop not only the four features of the communicative competence but the four skills in the students too.
We have to create our own method and try to figure out the techniques that are best to succeed in the classroom. We have to encourage the students to find the opportunities to practice what they learn in classes out of the classroom, because that is the only truly way to acquire the language.
As a teachers we have to try to be a transformative intellectuals by our techniques, by our method and by our need to be the best teacher in the world.
Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic and Communicative competence?
Of course, because a language user needs to use the language not only correctly (based on linguistic competence), but also appropriately (based on communicative competence). Of course, this approach does not diminish the importance of learning the grammatical rules of a language.
ResponderEliminarLinguistic competence is all the things we know about a language in an unconciously way. We can´t get any kind of access to this knowledge until we put it in practice, that is our linguistic perfomance. We can also say that linguistic competence is like our "internal Grammar" that let us understand the actual meaning of a sentence, even though we haven´t heard it before, and it help us to correct any mistake we have at the time of making our linguistic perfomance.
On the other hand, Communicative competence, in my opinion is like a 2.0 version of linguistic competence, since this term refers to all the grammatical knowledge we possess of Sintax, Phonology among others, but focusing it in a social context, in where we can actually practice our production of this knowledge and its different uses according to the situation that is presented at the time of speaking. For me, it´s what happens when linguistic competence meets Pragmatics.
I think Communicative competence would apply better to the practice of language teaching, since in the last years I observed that most of the classes I took had been focused on Linguistic competence, all about receiving knowledge but in form of rules, not actual production, and this last one, in my opinion might have been more useful by the time we took for the first time our teaching practice, because at this level, most of the students know very well all the rules of English language, but when we have to apply them, our perfomance is affected since we haven´t been taught how to do it better.
I think that foreign language classes should emphasize more in Communicative competence improvement, although we must not forget the Linguistic competence because we need to know all the rules we have to teach but we really need to have that appropiateness that communicative competence give us in order to know how and when we should use communication strategies to improve our capacity of teaching well all the things we learn and acquire, to make our students understand all the knowledge we have for them.
Enmanuel Higuera.
ResponderEliminarIs all the knowledge we possess about any language in a tacit way, the only way we can measure our competence level is through performance that is the reflection or production in a written or spoken form of our competence.
Is produce our knowledge and those grammatic rules in a specific situation in a appropiated way, communicative competence is also influenced by pragmatics.
2-In my opinion it has to be a balance between the two terms, on one hand we need the linguistic competence to have all the knowledge we can of a language, specifically the rules, on the other hand we need to apply communicative competence for making ourselves understood in front of our students.
3-FL classes should be more about communicative competence, that way we might not have any difficulty at the moment of produce information or the things we know. I think that if in the beginning our classes had been interactive with a balance between communicative competence and linguistic competence we should be excellent students and future teachers.
`1_ LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE is the knowledge or capacity that we have to communicate in a language can be in a written or oral way
ResponderEliminar2_COMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE: i think that communicative competences are the grammatical rules and abilities, that can help us in a better communication with other people
I apply both because the student need know the rules, but also they need have knowledge the as can have a good communication with other people.
I think that should emphasize both competence because always we have the difficulty to producing a information but also is need the abilities the to can express the information that we have produced
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarLinguistics competence: when we talk about linguistics competences we are making reference to that unconscious knowledge of all that things that involves language for example grammatical rules that permit a speaker to understand and use any language. I mean, linguistics competence lets us know everything about words, sounds, sentences, how they are combine and how sentences are made to create any information.
Communicative competence: this term relates to: when to talk, when not to talk, and what to talk about, with whom, when, where, in what form. We can call this term as the ability to form sentences that are grammatically correct not only appropriate but also socially appropriate. Using the social context to communicate is an important point of view of this competence.
Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching? :
When teaching a new language it is important to consider these two terms but communicative competence is the best way to make our students learn using communication and nurturing their knowledge with that information that they already know. Using the society and the real life of a language is the best way of teaching and learning.
Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
I think that using both competences will be an excellent method of teaching. If students know all referent about rules and social rules they are going to learn in and effectively way. In my personal opinion, communicative competence is an excellent way because when we learn an l2 in a real life we can get all that information that is necessary to our live but we don’t have to forget all that rules that help us to know the correct way of learning.
1)What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarFrom my point of view Linguistic competence has a lot to do with grammar rules and the knowledge we have of the proper use of grammar, it’s part of the ability of language acquisition we all have and that we develop through education most commonly at schools where they teach us all these grammar rules and the proper way of using those rules to create sentences and to communicate; here is where communicative competence appears, when we were four years old for example we were able to communicate with our parents, even when we didn´t even know what grammar was, this ability grows with us, communicative competence is how we use the knowledge we have about a language in order to communicate taking into account the culture and the social context involved for the communication to be effective even if the use of grammar is not academically correct.
2)Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
We know that the grammar rules are a way important aspect to learn about a new language, and even when a language is not just about following rules but about people trying to communicate with others, to understand and to be understood, as teachers we need our students to learn and follow all the grammar rules of the given language, I believe that at least at the beginning of a new language acquisition Linguistic competence applies better to the practice of language teaching and once our students know how to use proper grammar we can use Communicative competence as a tool to teach them the use of Linguistic competence in any given social context.
3)Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
I believe that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Communicative competence once students have learned enough about grammar, because after all, we learn a new language in order to communicate and maybe get to learn the culture of the countries where this language come from, the idioms they use, their behavior depending on the situations they confront, the way rich people, young people or old people speak, in order to understand society and be part of it.
Dannielys Alfonzo CI: 22.608.469
1).-What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarlinguistic competence is the we use to produce our language correctly and know where and how to express.
linguistic competence for me is nothing more than grammatical knowledge we have either phonological or syntactic grammar and also is the system is the ability we have to communicate in our language.
2).-Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I like more my linguistic competence apply and that every teacher should comunicarce with his students, as a teacher also have to interact with our students so that they can have a good understanding.
3).-Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic or Communicative competence?
I think a good use of both linguistic competence and communicative competence is a good method of teaching so students should know everything according to the rules of the same.
Suhail Yarit
ResponderEliminarCommunicative competence is when someone has the capacity to develop an effective communication using a correct form or about his knowledge from his mother tongue. It means that we have the ability to know how to use our language in any context and we can also understand our communication, therefore we will recognize our own mistakes in the process of the communication.
Linguistic competence is a set of knowledge. It means that grammar is inside of our mind that let us understand and produce utterances grammatically correct. Moreover some expressions can be placed in a functional grammar.
The best competence that could be applied is the linguistic competence because that concept refers to all the rules that we must have in our mind about language teaching and then, it will work in a productive way In the moment when we are speaking, listening, among others. Taking into account that knowledge acquired in linguistic competence.
From my point of view both are possible. First of all we will be teachers, therefore
We know is very important that every student have an effective communication if they would put in practice the ability to produce their utterances correctly. Holding all the structures in an appropriate way.
Yevianny Crespo
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarWe could defined competence as all the knowledge we have learned consciously or unconsciously, but even we keep in our mind. Taking this into account we could say communicative competence is all that same knowledge we have mentioned previously, but in this case we are talking about an specific knowledge which is concerned with the information we know about how to communicate us with someone else. In other words, it is referred to the way in which we have the capacity to convey meanings and even understand what will be answered back.
Linguistic competence is referred to all the knowledge we have about grammatical structures, we use this competence when we can understand the meaning of a new word we have never seen before. Although we did not that word, we had last knowledge about the rules involved in the creation of words and the way in which they can be formed.
I must say that in my opinion the linguistic competence represents an important part inside of the communicative competence since we use the grammatical knowledge we have learned to give our points of view and of course understand what someone else try to tell us.
Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think that talking about practice of language teaching it is better to apply the concept of communicative competence since this one involve the way in which we, as teachers could evaluate all the skills student must develop if they want to learn a foreign language, in the same way students might improve their abilities my mean of the practice during the class. When students give their points of view they will be thinking as actual native people and during that exposition they will put on practice the ability to speak and to listen.
Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of Linguistic and Communicative competence?
I mean that foreign language classes should be emphasized in the improvement of both competences because of the importance they have in the language usage. First I must say that students have to handle all the grammatical structures and knowing the rules of how to create them, in this way we are standing out the real function of the linguistic competence, on the other hand we have to remember that we need to learn a language principally to communicate what we think about anything and even to keep a conversation with someone else, taking this account foreign language students must be able to exchange their opinions correctly, because of that, as linguistic as communicative competences should be improve in foreign language classes.
Francireth Rodriguez
1. Linguistic Competence: When we talk about Linguistic Competence we are making reference to how and when to use the utterances appropriately; This is possible through the language use to grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology and phonology. Communicative Competence: This is defined as the system of linguistic knowledge that posses the native speakers of a language.
ResponderEliminar2. Which concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think both concepts applies, because with the use of the rules of grammar and all that include the language the knowledge is going to increasing and teaching is more effective.
3. Do you think that foreign language classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic or communicative competence?
Yes, I think that the foreing language classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic or communictive competence, because it can help us to express better and we can to comunicate us with other persons.
Edennys Medina
ResponderEliminarWhat is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
Communicative competence: is the capacityof producing and understanding the statement in communication. Is the knowledge that is appropiate in a particular speech community.
Linguistic competence: is the knowledge that you have in your mind, this is in your subconcious. Ican say that it includes the rules of a language and the capacity to create and understand sentences.
Which concept do you think applies better to the pratice of language teaching?
I think communicative competence is better to apply in the practice of language teaching, because this permit to correct the mistakes in speech and grammar. Also, teachers can to teach to their students to create sentences following grammatical rules. Is important that teachers have to design clsses to the affective communication and the attention to the rules and structure of a language.But linguistic competence is so important too, because it refers the principles of a language behavior.
Do you think that FL classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic or communicative competence?
I think FL classes should improve of linguistic and communicative competence too, because linguistic competence refers the behaviorism in a language and how you speak, the rules and structures about the knowledge that you posses in your mind. communicative competence refers the ability to produce sentenses in a communication. So, teachers should know how to teach this concepts and how to apply in their students.
Edennys Medina.
What is your concept of communicative and linguistic competence?
ResponderEliminarCommunicate competence is the innate ability of understanding the purpose of the communicate process which is to communicate in an effective way having in consideration not only the grammatical aspects but also the context.
In this sense communication is oriented towards understanding; this concept includes to speak using daily language to establish relations with the physical world, with other persons, with their intentions and feelings.
Linguistic competence is the acquisition of a language unconsciously, there is a clear distinction between knowledge and the ability to use knowledge, is characterized by rules of grammar. In another way the competence is a state and not a process.
What concept do you think applies better to the practice of language teaching?
I think that both concepts are important to apply for the practice of language teaching because one can include the performance of our issues: read, write, listened and speak, because “the performance is the actual manifestation of the knowledge in our heads”. Is necessary for every students to know about grammar rules to have an appropriate communication.
Do you think that foreign language classes should emphasize the improvement of linguistic or communicative competence?
In my opinion both should be emphasized in Foreign Language classes to develop in the student both competences. Because is important to know how the language works to use the right discourse in the right situation; It is the ability to understand and create form in the language not only sentences but a information a little bit longer , such as conversations or stories. We as future teacher have to know the grammatical rules and vocabulary necessary to this areas.
Sara Escobar